Investing is easy. Register to gain access to our Investor Portal through our website, or give our office a call to learn about available offerings.
Do I need to be an Accredited Investor to invest with TPG?
Yes. An Accredited Investor is defined as a person who a) earns $200,000 a year ($300,000 if filing with a spouse), b) has a net worth of $1M excluding the value of their personal residence, or c) holds a series 7, 65, or 82 securities license. For additional information on whether you qualify, please contact someone on our team.
What do I actually own?
With your investment, you become a member of a Limited Liability Company (LLC) specifically formed to own and operate the property. You receive all the same benefits of real estate ownership as if you owned the property independently.
What are the investment minimums?
It varies depending on the value of the property, but typically between $50,000 – $100,000.
When do I receive distributions and how do I receive them?
Distributions are sent to investors at the end of each fiscal quarter. Payments are sent via electronic payment and are accompanied by a financial statement and property performance summary.
Can I sell or transfer my interest?
Yes, an interest can be sold at any time. However, the purpose of these investments is for a long-term hold, typically 3-10 years.
What happens to my investment in the event of a sale?
Upon a sale, TPG will make every effort to find a suitable replacement property for the investment group to purchase by way of a tax-deferred 1031 exchange.
When will I receive my end of year tax documents?
Tax documents are sent out to investors no later than March 15th
Is TPG invested too?
Yes, TPG co-invests on every single investment ensuring that our interests are aligned with our investors.
What is a 1031 exchange?
A 1031 exchange is a tax-deferred method of purchasing property that allows an owner to defer capital gains taxes on a sale as long as they are purchasing another “like-kind” property and utilize a qualified intermediary to handle the sale proceeds.
Does this investment qualify for my 1031 exchange funds?
Yes, TPG offers certain investments with a tenancy-in-common (TIC) structure. This structure qualifies for the use of 1031 exchange proceeds.
Will there be any taxable “boot” in my investment?
Some taxable gain, or “boot”, is always possible with a 1031 exchange transaction. TPG advises our exchange investors to consult their own tax and/or real estate advisors to determine how much boot they can expect with their investment with TPG. An exchange investor always has the option to invest additional cash from outside of their exchange to minimize their tax liability.
What documents do I have to sign?
Exchange investors will be required to sign transaction documents such as Operating and Property Management Agreements, as well as the Loan Documents (although they are only borrowers and not Guarantors. Our in-house team is equipped to assist in signing any such documents related to the exchange.
Should I involve my attorney and/or my tax consultant/CPA?
Yes, we always advise every investor to include their trusted consultants when considering an investment with TPG.
What is my investment timeline?
Per IRS regulations, a qualified exchange property must be identified no later than 45 days after the investor’s sale closes, and the replacement property must be purchased no later than 180 days after the sale closes. TPG works very closely with our investors and their advisory team to ensure our timelines match up for a successful investment.
What if I have additional questions?
Give our team a call at any time at (805) 962-1011. We’re happy to answer any